Monday, November 5, 2007



Lab #7 setting up web server using apache,
Assignment 2 posted

Intresting networking type commands:

netstat -an |grep :80|wc -l - how many connections you have to your apache web server

/sbin/ifconfig - to configure an interface, bring it down or up

Commands located in for:
/sbin - administrators
/bin - regular uses

arp - find out MAC address

hostname - tell you host name or change your host name

host - does a dns query which are handeled on port 53, you can also to ip to hostname

ssh username@hotname - its encrypted

scp - remote:/home/me/junk/* . [from] [to]

rsync - sync two directories, if you have host a and host b with 2 harddrive the firstname you do rsync the two harddrives
because identical to the other harddrive.The second time you do it it copies the files that were updates.

tcpdump - print all traffic in the network - nice to monitor what is going on.

nmap [website] - used for port scan - 65000 on Unix -

wget [website] - retrive website information -r whole website tree

Apache Shell commands

httpd - its a deamon

service httpd restart

The very first webserver was called MOSAIC by NSC government computer before IE before Mozilla.

Apache, pached mosaic, Microsoft Webserver is called IIS

50% =====apache
40% =====IIS

/etc/resolv.conf ----short form of resolver---take a domain name and convert it to an ip number

/etc/hosts - names and ip numbers for the local

/etc/nsswitch.conf - order where to look first

/var/log - contains all logging information, want to know what happen to the system \

rootkit hunter- malacious attack suspected


A Man page, and a bash script


interneral, masquerading

serveral designes

volume 8 - fdisk

volume 1 - cat, ls

man man ^^

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