whereis ls
manare like ls, echo, cat, mv all of these are in volume 1
all the manupages are compressed in gz, its easier to read a small file rather then
a big file to memory to read it,
all system administration commands are going to be .8
rezise2fs - volume 8
copy the ls command to your home directory so you have something to work with,
gzip-d ls.1.gz
ls -l
now its in a language groff
groff - is a precurses to html
If you look at the html, from html you have xhtml, xml, all of these are markup languages,
before this if you go to 1960, IBM made up GML, they are nothing new they are just
derivatives, some where you will see roff, which is a form, then
groff(GNU free version)
MKGW 8 NOve 2007 mkgw.8 admin commands
mkgw \- Configure a linux host as a network gateway
groff -Tascii -man mkgw.8 |more <---intrepret what it looks like,
gzip mkgw.8
be root and copy it to volume 8 be sure its zipped /usr/share/man8/
On our floppy, we should have mkgw, mkgw.8.gz
show mkgw groff, listing of all the groff listeing and we should also show the man page
bash program as well
chmod 644 <----man page
Distributed File Systems
All about file sharing, share files between two Dos Machines
The idea is:
Server Client
| | | | | |
home home
| |
| |
frank joker
| |
| |
Make a directory under junk
Connect stuff to junk
Make a file under junk "ABC" as the Server
Alot of things ot be set up to make this work
you have to know the IP address of both machines
1. IP of each machine
2. Server needs a file sharing program
and-configured to allow the client to read or write or r/w
the stuff directory.
File sharing deamon or file sharing server
It will allow the client to read the directory
Withing our Server we have a file sharing program to allow the client to use this program
3. The client needs a program or software, to attach and use stuff(dir) from the server
^^^^^^^^^^Basic idea od DFS(Distributed File Systems)
The two systems we look at are
NFS - method of sharing files
SAMBA - method of sharing files
Network File System
-Developed by Sun Microsystems 1984
When did the first pc come out 1988,
versions for Dos and Windows,
-important to note,
b/c it was written so long ago it uses ports in a different way
Web Server
-Running Apache
-Port 80 (waiting for connections)-------1024---IE6 (WINXP)
|_1026___Firefox (FEdora7)
|_1024___Safari (MAC OSX)
In 1984 Sun did not use port numbers
-used sun numbers,
ex: SUN NFS Server Sun Client
-The numbers used have nothing to do with ports ^^
This is where
-Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
--We still use the sun numbers but software converst it to ports
When you jrun the server you have to run another program
that changes the number to ports.
man exports ----its in /etc/exports
- on the server side this file tells what directories are avaliable
to which clients & in what mode, read or write mode
Their is an example in the man page
id frank
NFS SErver NFS Client(Fedora 7 Client)
-host abc joker on xyz
/home xyz (r,w) $su -
/etc/exports #mount -t nfs abc:/home /mnt
|_usually an empty dir used for mounting
# | |
joker clown
#cd /mnt/joker
#rm *
This wi9ll alow the person to do w.e.
If you put xyz (r,w) root_squash
so the rm will fail
or no_root_squash
Setting NFS
1. install NFS-server
2. edit /etc/exports
3. start nfs server
4. you change /etc/exports
5. Choice
- Stop & stop the NFS server
#exportfs -a
-reread the exports file without restarting
Samba is different
- Andrew Tridgell -wrote Samba-1995 Microsoft - SMB (used for fily sharing -OLD)
-idea to work in a microsoft enviroment -CIFS (Common internet file system) *newer*
-use windows as a client
- use the share
- can become a client on linux and become a user share
-he also wanted linux with its own share and have
win1 win2 win3 machines just as though linux was windows box
Basically Samaba - A client and a Server, a client for windows shares and a server for windows shares
using smb protocol to see the files in their
konquer - shows file systems and a webbrowser
seneca subnet 142.204
export, exportfs, NFSDEAMON, know how to config the files
Lab 8 is three parts,
Connectings to a Samba server- file sharing server using
cifs - file samaba system
Part One - Client
Part Two - Own Samaba server
testparm - check if syntax is correct