Thursday, September 13, 2007

Winter 32 divide 4 eight bit octets

32 divide 4 eight bit octets
Each octet 0-255
Network Id Host Id
Network Id, common and shared by all computer through each physical segment.
192.176.11, Each would have a unique have host id. 201
Each physical segment has a unique network id, another physical physical segment will have another Id, then it would be shared by the computers on the physical segment. Give each physical segment a unique host id.

What is a physical Segment,
Broadcast Domain portion where it is forwarded it, Routers DO not forward broadcasts, All devices one port of router or two routers is a physical segment, all hosts on a physical segment share a physical segment.
Host, unique ip address to for the network, all devices physical segment share the common Network Id, specified by the sub mask. Each Physical segment unique network Id, all computer share the physical segment id
Class A B C [D E]

Class A 0 bit of the first octet, 0000001, ~ , 11111110 ~ < loop back address, all computer will be 33, then host id to individual computer ~
Host ID east remember the last three octets are reserved to host id
Each 256 address
Take Three Octets
256x256x256 ~ 16 million possible address, subtract -2 from it cannot be all 0 or 1 all computers start out with it
16 mill dif host Ids First ….increment to 255,….increment 255, 16.7 mill address

Class B Binary 1.0

Class B 5000 hosts
Our job to set up addressing

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